By Oliver Azi
The impact of nongovernmental organizations is the wheels that drive change in the world. L'Arche International happily falls within this category with its impact and strides in advancing the capacity of Intellectual Disability people. Its reach is beyond its starting point, with reach in various countries L'Arche have shaped the way we see Intellectually disable persons in the world today. Founded in 1964 when Jean Vanier, the son of Canadian Governor General welcomed two men with disabilities into his home town of Trosly-Breuli, France. Today, it is an organization operating in 153 communities, in 38 countries, and on five continents.i
The philosophy of L’Arche exists in paradoxes: The marginalized are valuable, the mundane is meaningful, and the strong must depend on the weak. In L’Arche, people with developmental disabilities or mental illness are at the center of the community. The dignity of every person, a central tenant of L’Arche philosophy, demands that those who are marginalized in general society be esteemed within the L’Arche community. Community members find meaning in daily activities that are considered to be mundane.ii The power of the story exists here because stories help community members relate and recognize meaning in daily activities
The L'Arche International came to Zimbabwe first in 1997 and have gone on to establish two homes which serve as center for intellectually disable people. With over 23 Intellectually disable persons in the community, the impact is not restricted to the confines of staying in the home. L'Arche develops project and activities to enhance productivity, fulfilment and purpose. In 2020, a new addition of 950 chicks was added to the community poultry. Here, people with disabilities are raising chickens through their life cycle, now this is quite unprecedented and unfathomable.iii
People with disabilities often face the problems of wrong narratives, the way society sees and handles them most times comes from the way they are being projected. Hence, L'Arche Zimbabwe finds this quite challenging and confronted it through a radio talkshow at ZiFM to educate listeners about people living with disabilities.
The journey have not been smooth for this community. In 2020 Zimbabwe experience a 828℅ inflation. This became the highest rise in its history. The impact of this is that over 1.3 million poor people was added to the already poor population making a total of 7.9 million in 2020. Hence, over 49℅ of the population is currently poor according to the world bank.
COVID 19 came with its shock waves and devastating impact around the world. However, the L'Arche community in Zimbabwe did not record any COVID 19 situation amongst the members of its home. Donors and international partners rather supported the home with thermometer, liquid soap, sanitizer and other things meant to combat COVID 19.
In Haiti, the impact L'Arche cannot be underrated, its significant role and impact visibly was seen. On 12, January, 2010 an earthquake struck this little country living a sad and depressing situation. With over 250,000 people dead, and over 300,000 injured and also, over 1.5 million people forced to life as Internally Displaced Persons, the world could not wait but to wait for the angels from heaven on earth- the NGOs to play a massive role of support. L'Arche was not excluded.
Founded in 1975 in port au prince (Capital of Haiti) L'Arche have been striving to make significant impact in this nation with over 65℅ of the population below the poverty line and with the earthquake, 1 in 6 families has a member with a disability.
17 people with disabilities live in the family like homes operated by the community. A further 4 people with disabilities work in the communities and peanut butter production projects. The community has a garden, henhouse and egg production project. They are planning to reopen their woodworking activities soon. Furthermore, the community supports a group of families of adult and children with disavow nearby. Some who attend the therapy center and others who don't through deliveries of food and medicine. The community equally welcomes students from the university to volunteer every year. (This was not possible in 2020 due to the pandemic) Youth visits are organized with the Haitian education and leadership program to share the gift of people living with disabilities.iv
With the L'Arche International, the role Nongovernmental Organizations play in society building becomes, effective, noble and true. The statement by the United Nations Secretary General at the 1999 General Assembly is symptomatic, according to which “States must serve their people. If they fail to do so and allow serious Human Rights abuses, they are open to justified intervention by the international community, in the shape of UN itself”. Nongovernmental organization perception of the need to control government actions, along with its demand to play an effective part in the political decision-making process, is remarkable. This movement is revealed in Agenda 21, where it is stated that governments must take “any legislative measures necessary to enable non-governmental organizations to establish consultative groups and to ensure the right of non-governmental organizations to protect the public interest through legal action”.vHence, it goes down to say, organizations like L'Arche are not only providing relief for people living with Intellectual Disabilities but are also advocating for same. The stigma, rejections and abject degradation they are subjected to is what L'Arche is against.
In Haiti, the long term ambition for L'Arche is for the community to deliver more of their operating cost from a local fundraising and production sales. Inevitably, the rise of political tension over the past 18 months has meant plans have to be put on hold. The same position is with Zimbabwe where the rise in inflation and the strict stroke of poverty is melting every possible ideas of growth on hold.
i. Wikipedia (Accessed on 15 October, 2021)
ii. Bruce A. Thyer ‘The L'Arche program for persons with Disabilities. https://www.research (Accessed on 15 October, 2021)
iii. Zimbabwe report 2020/21- L'Arche International www.L’
iv. Report Haiti 2020/21 L'Arche International
v. Delber Andrade Lage & Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Braint, The growing influence of Non governmental organization: Chances and Risk.