MUNWEB 2022 - “The World in Crisis: The Tipping Point”
22nd to 24th of April 2022
Online setup
Anyone from the ages 16 years or older can apply as delegates
MUNWeb 2022 – Call for Delegates!
Dear Delegates, Chairs, and Organizers,
The World in Crisis: The Tipping Point. This is the theme of our second-ever MUNWeb conference! Despite being in the middle of a pandemic, MUNWeb will still be held, but on an online forum! While we are in the time of COVID-19, MUNWeb will act in the most responsible manner to ensure everyone’s health and safety. From April 22nd, 2022, to April 24th, 2022, MUNWeb which will consist of 8 assorted topics (2 per committee) in which to discuss and debate in 4 committees.
Currently, we are looking for delegates, since we already have the chair positions filled, in which every chair is more than willing to guide new delegates! Each committee will allow for approximately 15 delegations, and all should apply through This year’s theme being “The World in Crisis: The Tipping Point” to the uncertain political and social times in which we are living within. We will be having lots of debate and discussion over these important topics that we all must face together and must find solutions too. With this said, I feel that an introduction of myself is due!
My name is Michael Mitchell, and I am the Secretary General of the MUNWeb 2022 conference! I am a second-year student at Webster University Leiden campus and am majoring in International Relations. This will be my first experience as a Secretary-General; however, I am fully ready to take this challenge head on and make a fun and exciting event for everyone! My experience with MUNWeb has been excellent and I have been fortunate to return as I was part of MUNWeb 2021’s organizing team! I am looking forward to another fantastic MUN this year with MUNWeb 2022 and I wish everyone the best of luck and am looking forward to meeting everyone at the conference! You can see more detailed information at our MUNWeb site on Webster Canal (link is below). To register, we will be using and the link to our conference on is linked below as well!
MUNWeb 2022 Webster Canal Link: Registration Link:
Best wishes,
Michael Mitchell
MUNWeb 2022
Secretary General
United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Chairs: Ruya Caglar, Anoushka Anand
Taliban Crisis in Afghanistan
Escalation in the Sudan-South Sudan Border Crisis
Human Rights Council (HRC)
Chairs: Jorida Ganaj, Carolyn Cain
Violence Against Women & Women Refugees in Colombia and Venezuela
Freedom of Speech & Imprisonment of Press in Russia, Turkey, and Mexico
United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)
Chairs: Anne-Marie Barnes, Srilakshmi Chidambaram
Ocean Plastic Pollution & Island States
Deforestation in South America & Southeast Asia
Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
Chairs: Nick van der Drift, Arman Krishan
Review of the Outer Space Treaty
Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula