Abel Tadele (Security Council)
My name is Abenezer G. Tadele or simply Abel. I’m 20 years old. I’m Ethiopian and I’m joining this MUN from Vienna, Austria. I’ve chaired fifteen times in official conferences such as GHAMUN (Ghana) & NMUN (New York) plus 100+ in unofficial high-school and university conferences/MUN clubs. I chose Security Council because its mission is to maintain peace and security around the world and which resonates the most with me. This is why I’m drawn to this committee in most conferences I have attended. Experiences that I am proud of include:
- [ ] Current Secretary-General of WebMUN (Webster Model United Nations)
- [ ] Former Secretary-General of ABIMAU (Abidjan Model African Union)
- [ ] Best Delegate in the Security Council (Florida Model United Nations, 2017)
- [ ] Best Delegate in the Security Council (Johannesburg Model United Nations 2016)
An interesting fact about me is that I am allergic to chocolate!