Meet the Chairs!
Abel Tadele (Security Council)
My name is Abenezer G. Tadele or simply Abel. I’m 20 years old. I’m Ethiopian and I’m joining this MUN from Vienna, Austria. I’ve chaired fifteen times in official conferences such as GHAMUN (Ghana) & NMUN (New York) plus 100+ in unofficial high-school and university conferences/MUN clubs. I chose Security Council because its mission is to maintain peace and security around the world and which resonates the most with me. This is why I’m drawn to this committee in most conferences I have attended. Experiences that I am proud of include:
- [ ] Current Secretary-General of WebMUN (Webster Model United Nations)
- [ ] Former Secretary-General of ABIMAU (Abidjan Model African Union)
- [ ] Best Delegate in the Security Council (Florida Model United Nations, 2017)
- [ ] Best Delegate in the Security Council (Johannesburg Model United Nations 2016)
An interesting fact about me is that I am allergic to chocolate!
Isabela Reksa Dini (Medical Council)
My name is Isabela Reksa Dini. I’m 20 years old and originally from Indonesia. I've joined MUN through my friend, Miss Srilakshmi - head chair from Medical Council that invited me personally. I have chaired more than 20 times on online conferences. I choose the medical council because the medical council is rare & insightful. I have been managing my time as an economics student but have a unique interest in MUNs and SDGs, arts, and music. An interesting fact about me is that I love multitasking, music, and arts!
Arjun Gupta (UNEP)
My name is Arjun Gupta, I’m 22 years old. I’m Indian and I will be joining this MUN conference from New Delphi, India. I’ve chaired approximately 25 times. I chose UNEP because the topics were very appealing and I have been involved in these topics before. Thus, this gives room for more knowledge and better presentation of mine in the council. Experiences I am proud of include me being titled as the Best Chair in all conferences I have attended. An interesting fact about me is that although I chair, I am still pretty fun!
Srilakshmi Chidambaram (Medical Council)
My name is Srilakshmi Chidambaram, I’m 18 years old. I’m British. I will be joining the MUN conference from Chennai, India. So far I have chaired for over 45 official and university conferences, some recent ones include NTU MUN based in Singapore and Geneva International. I chose Medical Council because I studied in agricultural school and I’m currently working towards graduating my pre-med in clinical sciences within the next few months. Some of the experiences I’m proud of include me working as a plant physiology lab assistant in an agricultural school, and I've also written articles on biological warfare agents. Recently, I was shortlisted for a science communication prize and accepted into their author programme. I've also been working to spread awareness on critically endangered vulture species, the importance of environmental policy, and its effects on public health. I'm spending a lot of time exploring the local history of my state and working on translating key pieces of ancient, classical, and modern Tamil literature into English. An interesting fact about me is that I'm an aviation geek, a geography nerd, and frighteningly passionate about disaster management.
Rezwan Ahmed (Security Council)
I am Rezwan Ahmed. A Bangladeshi in his late twenties. Currently, I am studying M.Sc. in Environmental and Resource Management at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), Cottbus, Germany. I am joining MUNWeb 2021 from Cottbus, Germany. I have been doing MUNs for the last five years. So far, I have been selected as a chair for almost ten MUN conferences (some of them canceled in 2020 due to Covid-19) but officially chaired in four MUN conferences. I really like the topics of the committee. I am the Founder, and President of BTUMUN, Germany. I am also the Secretary-General of BTUMuN 2021. An interesting fact about me is that love to eat chocolate 🍫, and explore cultural diversity.
Zana Udo (UNEP)
My age is 18 and my nationality is Dutch. I’m from the Netherlands to be more specific Leiden. This is my first time chairing but my third year in MUN. I have always been interested in saving the environment so I also know a lot about it. I honestly was so happy when I saw this topic. I am proud of Joining MUN. I have always been really scared to talk to people. Especially when wanting to bring points up I’m very interested in. When I first joined MUN I didn’t say anything, however, I’m starting to do it more and more. And right now I’m even a chair for the first time! I’m Dutch but I have always been to an international school here in the Netherlands.
Celine Pare (Human Rights Council)
My name is Celine Pare and I am 18 years old. I am French. I am in my second year of a Bachelor in International Relations at Amsterdam University College. I am joining this MUN from Amsterdam. I have chaired at only one Model United Nations before. I am studying International Relations, and in that regard, I am passionate about global affairs, peace and conflict, and human rights issues; which is why I strongly believe that the Human Rights Council is the right fit for me. I am currently the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the United Nations International Student Conference in Amsterdam (UNISCA), which is a Model United Nations course offered by the University of Amsterdam. I am also part of the organization committee of AUCMUN! Also, I lived in Vietnam from 10-17 years old, which was an amazing experience. In high school there, I was President of my Model United Nations for two years and organized multiple conferences, including one in cooperation with another French high school in the south of Vietnam. An interesting fact about me is that I absolutely LOVE learning about astronomy (even though it has nothing to do with my studies, just a random passion of mine)!
Isabella Myers (Human Rights Council)
My name is Isabella Myers and I’m a 20-year-old American but I’ve lived in the Netherlands for the last 3 years. I’m joining this conference from Florida, United States. This is my first time chairing in an official capacity though I’ve chaired multiple times in classroom and club settings. In my opinion, Human rights are at the forefront of every important conversation in International Relations. The rights of humanity are something worth upholding and this committee works to sustain our most basic freedoms and rights. My first time going to a MUN conference I was awarded the best delegate in my committee, this really boosted my confidence in council meetings and for future conferences. The reason I share this is that even with little experience the gusto and work you put behind your presentation can shine if you have the mindset. Following this, I became president of MUN at Webster University, followed by the wonderful Secretary-General Anoushka. An interesting fact about me is that I have 4 chickens named: Yolko Ono, Sativa, Zena Fonda, and Naruka Kiki.